What are the best Priest decks in the game?
RECENTLY ADDED PRIEST DECK LISTS WaningMoon’s Top 10 Legend Combo Priest Deck Hunterace’s Rank 1 Legend Combo Priest Deck Ruby’s Rank 1 Legend Combo Priest Deck Zetalot’s Highlander Quest Priest Deck Rolle’s Top 20 Legend Combo Priest Deck Quentinooo’s Rank 1 Legend Combo Priest.
What is the priest arena card spreadsheet?
This spreadsheet is designed to aid you in forging Priest Arena decks. As you can see, the spreadsheet divides all cards of the same rarity into 8 different tiers, based on their (potential) value for your class. Cards listed in Tier 1 are generally better than cards listed in Tier 2, and so on.
How can I get expert drafting advice for my arena deck?
Receive expert drafting advice by our arena deck builder, trusted by thousands of players for a million picks, on a daily basis! How much reach does my deck have? Evaluate your arena deckby using our extensive deck coveragetab; see your arena deck in a new light, from board clears to survivability. Cult Master or Spellbreaker?
Are there any Priest decks in Hearthstone expansion saviors of Uldum?
Here you can find our latest Priest decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Saviors of Uldum. The Priest class lends itself to a Controlling style of play. However, it can be built in a variety of ways to create different decks with their own strengths, weaknesses, strategies and play-styles.
Are Priest decks more controlling?
Priest decks are more controlling due to a very defensive Hero Power. This, however, doesn’t prevent Priest from dishing out high amounts of damage with cards like Mind Blast and Prophet Velen.
What style of play is priest?
The Priest class lends itself to a Controlling style of play. However, it can be built in a variety of ways to create different decks with their own strengths, weaknesses, strategies and play-styles.