How do I drop a tablespace including contents and datafiles?
You must first remove the tablespace from the database default temporary tablespace group and then drop it. You cannot drop a tablespace, even with the INCLUDING CONTENTS and CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clauses, if doing so would disable a primary key or unique constraint in another tablespace.
How do I drop a tablespace without datafile?
alter database datafile ‘/directory/filename’ offline drop; alter database open; drop tablespace ts_name; In the above steps, you tell Oracle that the missing datafile is now missing (offline drop).
What is the relationship between tablespace and datafiles?
An Oracle database consists of one or more logical storage units called tablespaces, which collectively store all of the database’s data. Each tablespace in an Oracle database consists of one or more files called datafiles, which are physical structures that conform to the operating system in which Oracle is running.
How do I drop a datafile in tablespace?
How to Drop a datafile from Tablespace in Oracle
- Create a new oracle tablespace to hold moved objects.
- Move all tables to the new tablespace.
- Move all indexes to the new tablespace.
- Move all other segments to the new tablespace.
- Drop the old tablespace using the INCLUDING CONTENTS and datafiles option.
Can we drop a datafile in Oracle?
You cannot drop datafiles in the SYSTEM tablespace. If a datafile in a locally managed tablespace is offline, it cannot be dropped.
How do I drop an Oracle database including datafiles?
Steps To Drop Oracle Database Manually
- Step 1 : Connect to the database with sysdba privilege. $ export ORACLE_SID=mydb $ sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
- Step 2 : Shutdown the database. SQL> shutdown immediate;
- Step 3: Start the Database in Exclusive mode.
- Step 4: Drop the database.
- Step 5 : Post Change Steps.
How many datafiles can be created in a single tablespace?
A tablespace belongs to only one database and has at least one datafile that is used to store data for the associated tablespace. We can also define tablespaces as logical storage units made up of one or more datafiles. One tablespace can have up to 1022 datafiles.
How do I shrink datafile?
Query to shrink Datafiles and Reclaim unused Space in Oracle
- Step1: To Check Database block size. column value new_val blksize. select value from v$parameter where name = ‘db_block_size’;
- Step2: Check how much space can be reclaimed. select file_name,
- Step3: Script to reclaim unused space from the datafiles. set pages 0.
Can we drop tablespace in Oracle?
Introduction to Oracle DROP TABLESPACE statement First, specify the name of the tablespace that you want to drop after the DROP TABLESPACE keywords. Second, use the INCLUDE CONTENTS to delete all contents of the tablespace. If the tablespace has any objects, you must use this option to remove the tablespace.
How do I drop a database in Oracle 12c using Dbca?
To delete a database using DBCA:
- Start DBCA on one of the nodes:
- Select Delete a database, and click Next.
- If your user ID and password are not operating-system authenticated, then the List of Cluster Databases page displays the user name and password fields.
- Select the database to delete, and click Finish.
How many datafiles can a database have?
This is the default type of tablespace in Oracle database. Small file tablespace can have multiple datafiles and each datafile can be as much as 222 data blocks in size. A small file tablespace can have maximum up to 1022 data files but this number depends on your Operating system also.
How many datafiles can be added in tablespace?
Typically you can add as many datafiles you want to a specific tablespace. But, in a bigfile tablespace will have only one datafile.
How do I free up disk space in Oracle?
Free Up Disk Space
- Log in as the oracle user.
- Find and remove the dump files. Copy. find . – name OCSDMDW_Dump*.dmp | xargs rm –rf.
How do I resize a tablespace?
Increase the size of the tablespace If you haven’t turned on the autoextend feature and want to resize the tablespace, then do the following: For bigfile tablespaces: Resize the tablespace using the ALTER TABLESPACE command. You can specify the size in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).
How do I drop a database in Oracle Dbca?
Follow the below steps to drop the database using DBCA….DROP DATABASE STEPS
- Set environment.
- Execute utility DBCA.
- Select option “Delete Database” and click on NEXT.
- Select the database name which you want to drop and click on NEXT..
- Check/Uncheck to de-register from OEM and click on NEXT.
How do I add a datafile to an existing tablespace?
To add datafiles to a tablespace, use either the Add Datafile dialog box of Enterprise Manager/GUI, or the SQL command ALTER TABLESPACE. You must have the ALTER TABLESPACE system privilege to add datafiles to a tablespace.