How much is a taxi from Grenoble to Les Deux Alpes?
Transfer prices in Les 2 Alpes
Airport to Les Deux Alpes Transfer Prices | |
Grenoble to Les 2 Alpes | From €160 (private) |
Chambery to Les 2 Alpes | From €250 (private) |
Lyon to Les 2 Alpes | From €250 (private) |
Geneva to Les 2 Alpes | From €350 (private) |
How long is the transfer from Grenoble to Les Deux Alpes?
about 1 hour 50 minutes
GRENOBLE AIRPORT TO LES DEUX ALPES TRANSFER TIME The transfer time from Grenoble Airport to Les Deux Alpes is about 1 hour 50 minutes, depending on the date, time of day, weather and traffic conditions. We allow more time when we know traffic may be bad. The distance from Grenoble Airport to Les Deux Alpes is 110 km.
How do you get to Les Deux Alpes France?
The best option for reaching Les Deux Alpes by train is to take the Eurostar to Paris, and then change to the direct TGV to Grenoble, but you will need to take a taxi from Gare du Nord to Gare de Lyon when you arrive in Paris. From Grenoble you can take the bus up to Les Deux Alpes, which takes just over an hour.
How do I get from Les Deux Alpes to Lyon airport?
The direct route from Lyon airport to Les Deux Alpes (159km) will usually take you via D1085 motorway. Take the route D1006, D1085, A48, A480 and D1091 in the direction of D220 (Mont-de-Lans). Take the D220 towards D213. Continue along the D213 to your end destination.
What airport is closest to Les Deux Alpes?
Grenoble Airport
Grenoble Airport is the closest airport to Les Deux Alpes, followed by Chambery and Lyon Airports. The transfer time from Grenoble Airport to Les Deux Alpes is usually about 1 hour 45 minutes, depending on the weather and traffic.
Is Les Deux Alpes Snow sure in March?
There is regular snowfall – on average nine days – and temperatures still dip below freezing at night to freshen it up. In March the average daytime temperatures generally fall between a high of 3°C and a low of -3°C, meaning on the lower slopes the snow becomes slushy in the afternons and freezes hard overnight.
Which airport is closest to Les Deux Alpes?
How do you get to Les Deux Alpes on a plane?
The nearest airport to Les Deux Alpes is Grenoble which is only about 90 minutes away by car. Lyon has more international flights though and is only about 2 hours’ drive away. Grenoble also has a train station which is closer to the resort than the airport, and has trains to Paris, London and other European cities.