Who has the best tuning for 6.7 Cummins?
1) MADS Smarty 6.7 Cummins Tuner Our favorite tuner on the market is the Smarty touch tuner from MADS. It is compatible with all 6.7 Cummins years up through 2018.
How many trucks can you tune with RaceMe Ultra?
4 trucks
The RaceMe Ultra comes with the ability to tune 4 trucks off of one device. The device will be locked to your VIN, but the tuner can be used to tune your next truck, your friends truck, or anyone elses. You’ll just need new VIN License (for $150 each).
How do I know if my RaceMe tuner is Vin locked?
How can I tell if my tuner is “Vin Locked”? Power up the unit. When the “RACEME” title is displayed, it will look like this # RACEME # if it is vin locked. If there are no number signs, the tuner is unlocked.
How do you unlock RaceMe tuner?
Power down the tuner by turning off key or unplugging it from trucks diagnostic port. Remove the SD card from top left corner or monitor by lightly pushing down on it. It will unlock and you can remove it.
How much HP does a tuned 6.7 Cummins have?
The new high-output engine boasts 420 hp and 1,075 lb-ft of best-in-class torque. For RAM 2500 and 3500 (equipped with a 68RFE Auto) HP and torque have increased to 370 hp and 850 lb-ft to provide the right power for these models. Your vehicle is equipped with an engine oil change indicator system.
Can you tune your truck without deleting it?
Registered. Simple answer yes, but your powertrain warranty is for the most part toast once you load a tune. Considering a vast majority of issues with these trucks are related to the emissions components just be prepared to shell out for repairs if needed.
Can you put custom tunes on RaceMe Ultra?
Connect the PC with the Warp installed to the RaceME Ultra. Start the Warp, go into menu: File->”Get Stock file”. The Warp will import the stock file and open it, ready to become custom tuned.
How do I update my RaceMe tuner?
How To Update a RaceMe Ultra Manually
- Step 1: Go to https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1900.exe.
- Step2: insert card into micro SD card adapter that was included in Ultra packaging.
- Step 3: go to racemeofficial.com and download the latest RaceMe Ultra update.
- Do the programming only with fully charged batteries.
How do I update my RaceME tuner?
What is MM3 tuner?
MM3 is dedicated to the custom tuning market and the professional tuner. The MM3 can be considered an “Open Tuning Platform”. It comes “blank”, meaning it has no tuning software installed. It has it’s firmware, all drivers, communication protocols, ECM unlocks, human interface, Real Time capability, etc. installed.
What is RT on RaceMe Ultra?
RT – Real Time Tuning. Allows advanced tune modification while the engine is running.
Does the MM3 tuner come with tunes?
As a fully custom tuner, MM3 provides more options than your standard chip. It does not come with any pre-loaded tunes, but do not worry, as GDP Tuning has you covered.
Is MM3 a Smarty tuner?
Description. Custom tune your 1998.5-2017 Dodge 5.9L & 6.7L Cummins with the Calibrated Power Custom Smarty UDC Tuning With MM3. Custom tuning capability has drastically widened the performance and driveability of your Dodge Cummins.
What does the MM3 tuner do?
Capable of accepting custom tunes, this tuner expands the possibilities beyond what a standard model can do. While the MM3 can accept tunes from any shop, this tuner is pre-paid and includes all custom tunes available from GDP.
How do I unlock my MM3 tuner?
On your MM3 Tuner, go to the MAIN MENU, select CONFIG TOOLS, and then UNLOCK CODES. Select how many licenses you want to add (up to 3).