How can I get start date and end date in PHP?
php function days($date1, $date2) { $date1 = strtotime($date1); $date2 = strtotime($date2); return ($date2 – $date1) / (24 * 60 * 60); } $date1 = ‘20100820’; $date2 = ‘20100930’; echo days($date1, $date2);?> Show activity on this post. Show activity on this post.
How date is created in PHP?
Example. $date=date_create(“2013-03-15″); echo date_format($date,”Y/m/d H:i:s”);
How can I get first and last date of month in PHP?
You can be creative with this. For example, to get the first and last second of a month: $timestamp = strtotime(‘February 2012’); $first_second = date(‘m-01-Y 00:00:00’, $timestamp); $last_second = date(‘m-t-Y 12:59:59’, $timestamp); // A leap year!
What does date () do in PHP?
The date/time functions allow you to get the date and time from the server where your PHP script runs. You can then use the date/time functions to format the date and time in several ways. Note: These functions depend on the locale settings of your server.
How can get first day of current year in php?
- Basically date(‘Y’) returns the value of current year. and the first day of each year starts like 2000-01-01. So $firstdate = date(‘Y’).
- I’ve meant to explain it in your answer… You can edit it anytime! – FZs.
- for the current year 1st date this will do $startDate= date(‘Y-01-01’); – Kennedy Maikuma.
How can I get last week start and end date in php?
date(“m/d/Y”, strtotime(“last week monday”)); date(“m/d/Y”, strtotime(“last week sunday”)); It will give the date of Last week’s Monday and Sunday.
How do you get the first day of the month in php?
php $dt = “2008-02-23”; echo ‘First day : ‘. date(“Y-m-01”, strtotime($dt)).
How do I find the current year of my first date?
How can I get first date of the week in php?
Use strtotime() function to get the first day of week using PHP. This function returns the default time variable timestamp and then use date() function to convert timestamp date into understandable date. strtotime() Function: The strtotime() function returns the result in timestamp by parsing the time string.
How can get first and last day of current week in php?
$monday = date(‘d-m-Y’,strtotime(‘last monday’,strtotime(‘next monday’,strtotime($date)))); You have to get next monday first then get the ‘last monday’ of next monday. So if the given date is monday it will return the same date not last week monday.
Which day is the first day of the week?
According to the International Organisation for Standardisation, Monday signifies the beginning of the trade and business week. Although culturally and historically, Sunday signifies the starts of a new week and is a day of rest.
What day does the week start?
Monday is the first day of the week, according to the international standard for the representation of dates and times ISO 8601. However, in the United States and Canada, Sunday is considered to be the start of the week. This is because of religious reasons.
What’s the first day of the week?
Monday is the first day of the week, according to the international standard for the representation of dates and times ISO 8601.
How do you determine the first day of the week?
To get the first day of the week, we subtract the day of the week from the day of the month. If the day of the week is Sunday, we subtract -6 to get Monday, if it is any other day we add 1 , because the getDay method returns a zero-based value.