What language is spoken in Floreana?
The official language of the Galapagos Islands is Spanish.
What language do people in Galapagos speak?
The official language in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands is Spanish. Most locals especially those living in the highlands and Sierra are bilingual. Kichwa, also known as Quichua or Quechua, is the second most widely used language there. Other commonly used languages are Chibcha and various indigenous languages.
What is the highest temperature of the Galapagos?
Galapagos Islands Weather Temperatures range from 69°-84°F / 21°-30°C. Warm season is from December to June. Dry season is from July to November.
Where are the blue-footed boobies in Galapagos?
In Galapagos Where to see them: North Seymour is one of the Galapagos’ best seabird breeding grounds, with blue-footed boobies occurring at high frequency. Large breeding populations can also be found on many other islands south of the equator – including Espanola, Fernandina, Floreana, Isabela, Pinzon, and Santa Cruz.
Who lives on Floreana Island?
Approximately two-thirds of Floreana’s 100 residents live in the port town; the remaining one third live in the volcanic highlands. The Pension Wittmer, run by the Wittmer family, descendants of one of the first families to live in Galapagos, is the only hotel and it boasts the only telephone on the entire island.
Do hurricanes hit Galapagos?
There is no Galapagos Islands hurricane season as hurricanes do not occur here. The islands are suitable for travel year round with no true high season or low season.
How does a female blue-footed booby choose a mate?
How does a female blue-footed booby choose a mate? Females often choose a mate with the brightest feet; the bluer the feet, the more attractive the mate.
Why are blue-footed boobies called boobies?
Boobies on Land All half-dozen or so booby species are thought to take their name from the Spanish word “bobo.” The term means “stupid,” which is how early European colonists may have characterized these clumsy and unwary birds when they saw them on land—their least graceful environment.
Are there indigenous people in Galapagos?
Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador Of the Andean Kichwa population, 7.3% live in the Southern Mountains and 8.3% in the Coastal region and on the Galapagos Islands. 60.3% of the Andean Kichwa live in six provinces of the Central-Northern Sierra; and the remaining 8.3% live in the Coastal region and the Galapagos Islands.
Are there humans on the Galapagos Islands?
The Galapagos Population Today – Do people live on the Galapagos Islands. Currently, four islands are inhabited, with a total of around 30,000 inhabitants. The largest ethnic group is Ecuadorian Mestizos. In 1959, only 1,000 to 2,000 people lived on the islands, growing to 15,000 by the 1980s.
Does it get cold in Galapagos?
Galapagos Cool Season (Galapagos Dry Season) This time of year, Galapagos average temperatures range from the mid 70’s Fahrenheit (21 Celsius) to the low 60’s Fahrenheit (16 Celsius). During the cool season, the southern Humboldt and Peru currents cool the water temperature to as low as 66 Fahrenheit (19 Celsius).