What causes white pulp hyperplasia?
The normal white pulp may become diffusely expanded in autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (Felty syndrome), in cytopenic conditions such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), and acquired haemolytic anaemia, in viral infections including HIV/AIDS, in other …
What does the spleens white pulp make?
There two main types of tissue in the spleen are specialised for its two main functions: White pulp contains lymphoid aggregations, mostly lymphocytes, and macrophages which are arranged around the arteries. The lymphocytes are both T (mainly T-helper) and B-cells.
What is splenic hyperplasia?
Lymphocyte hyperplasia of the spleen is an increase in the number of lymphocytes outside the range of normal compared with concurrent controls.
What is located in the spleens white pulp?
The white pulp of the spleen contains typical lymphoid elements, such as plasma cells, lymphocytes, and lymphatic nodules, called follicles in the spleen. Germinal centres in the white pulp serve as the sites of lymphocyte production.
What causes lymphoid hyperplasia?
Lymphoid hyperplasia is an increase in the number of normal cells contained in the lymph nodes. These cells are called lymphocytes. This can occur as a reaction to infection with bacteria, viruses, or other types of germs.
What is the function of the white pulp?
The types of tissue in the spleen are: White pulp: As part of the immune system, the white pulp produces white blood cells. These blood cells make antibodies. Antibodies fight infection.
What is the difference between the red pulp and white pulp of the spleen?
The spleen contains two main types of tissue – white pulp and red pulp. White pulp is material which is part of the immune system (lymphatic tissue) mainly made up of white blood cells. Red pulp is made up of blood-filled cavities (venous sinuses) and splenic cords.
What’s the spleen do?
Your spleen’s main function is to act as a filter for your blood. It recognizes and removes old, malformed, or damaged red blood cells. When blood flows into your spleen, your spleen performs “quality control”; your red blood cells must pass through a maze of narrow passages.
What is the function of the white pulp of the spleen quizlet?
The white pulp of the spleen contains lymphocytes which monitor the blood for pathogens, and are capable of initiating an immune response.
What are symptoms of lymphoid hyperplasia?
Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia generally presents as an asymptomatic disease, but it may cause gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, bleeding or intestinal obstruction. A diagnosis is made at endoscopy or contrast barium studies and should be confirmed by histology.
What is the role of red and white pulp regarding the spleen?
How do the white pulp and red pulp of the spleen differ with respect to both cell population and function?
The white pulp mounts an immune response when needed, while the red pulp serves as a reservoir for blood as well as phagocytize aged erythrocytes and platelets.
Where is the spleen located on a woman?
Your spleen is located in the upper left region of your abdomen – just behind your stomach and under your diaphragm. It is soft and purple, shaped like a very small smooth rounded catcher’s mitt with notches on its upper front edge.
What is the role of white pulp?
What is the function of white pulp and red pulp within the spleen?