Can you save Mister Lopez?
If Ted Strayer has already been killed, it is impossible to save Mister Lopez. After (or if) he is convinced to look after Ted Strayer, the player character will not be able to open dialogue with him.
How do you get Angela and Diego together?
The player character has two options at the start of the quest: Giving Angela the ant queen pheromones and waiting a few days will result in her ‘seducing’ Diego, and him deciding the honorable thing to do is to leave the church and marry her.
Where is Diego Rivet City?
During the night and day, Diego can be found in or near Saint Monica’s Church. From in the late afternoon to early in the evening, he can be found together with Angela Staley on Rivet City’s flight deck.
What is the fastest way to lower karma in Fallout 3?
to loose karma quickly, go to Moriarty’s saloon in megaton activate his computer then press B and repeatedly tap A (as quickly as possible you will loose five karma for every time you tap A. This is not exclusive to Moriarty’s saloon it can also be done on other computer this is just an example.
Can you go to the White House in Fallout 3?
Search the ground and look for a manhole cover. This “Utility” tunnel is your key to the White House.
How do you convince Diego to leave the church?
The player character can either force him to relinquish the church or the girl (by saying they will tell Father Clifford or telling him directly). If they convince him to choose the girl they will end up getting married and they have the option to attend the ceremony.
Can you get married in Fallout 76?
Bringing the game in line with the grand tradition of open-ended online multiplayer titles, a couple has gotten married in Fallout 76, with a proper ceremony officiated by a guy in a suit of power armour.
Can you buy a house in Fallout 3?
Make Your Way To Megaton Lucas Simms, self-appointed town sheriff will ask you to disarm the bomb. This is relatively easy to do. Simply go up to the bomb and press the interaction button, disarm it, and return to Simms. For your troubles, he’ll give you a key to your very own home in Megaton.
How do I lower my karma in Fallout 3?